Mindmap is a wonderfufl
interactive tool for managing ideas and for depicting
organizational structures and processes. Using Mindmap is the easy
way to,develop interconnections of concepts and ideas in an
interactive teamwork through the Internet. If you would like
to have set up your own Mindmap for an idea within the Pflog
network which will be published there, please get into contact
with our admin at admin@pflog.info.
Interactive users idea
login: username: interactive - password: xxiaxx
jeroms on
invitation only
PREZI login:
pic@pictic.net -
passwort: pic1
iDeas is a phantastical
system that has absolutely new possibilities to fix ideas, to
assign them to each other and to combine them with tools
unlimiting your creativity. Your ideas of easy doing whith
Login name: easy@pflog.eu
From here you get to
the idea tool prezi to put in ideas for the environment
name: environment@pflog.eu